hosted by Ewen Chardronnet
with Vishnu Vardhani Rajan, Sophie Dulau, Luis A. Campos, Anu Pasanen, N. Adriana Knouf, Adrien Rigobello
The second order group will have a different working model then the rest. It will be composed of philosophers, theorists, independent researchers and other suitable practitioners. Their work will be twofold, on the one hand, they do research on the rest of the groups, and at the other hand, they will act as discursive agents introducing critical perspectives in order to go over traditional research boundaries, methods and practices. The second order will foster non-academic approaches in order to go over the viewpoints one tend to adopt by default. They will for instance take inspiration from anthropological perspectivism, as well as from situated knowledge and decolonial methodologies such as counter-poetics and epistemic disobedience, in order to give other groups tools to challenge the dominant regimes of Sky and Space instituted since the birth of aeronautics and aerospace.
Ewen Chardronnet is an artist, author, journalist, project manager and curator from France. He’s editor in chief of the web magazine Makery.info and writes about citizen science, hacker/maker culture and art&science collaborations. Ewen Chardronnet is currently coordinating the ArtLabo art&science residency and pedagogical engineering program for the PING association in collaboration with the M3 Laboratory of the Roscoff Marine Station in Brittany, France. In 2016 he released a book on the history of the foundation of the American space program between 1935 and 1955 (Mojave Epiphanie, Inculte, march 2016). Ewen Chardronnet is co-founder of the Laboratory Planet collective&journal (laboratoryplanet.org) and of the Aliens in Green project (aliensingreen.eu).
Vishnu Vardhani Rajan (FI) is a bodyphilosopher. Her work revolves around the manifold aspects of the body. She makes live arts and performances to demonstrate the political, economical, sexual, social, geographical, and racial body. Her artistic output in recent years has defied genres and categories. Some examples include staged multi-media, theatre and dance performances, extempore performances in public spaces such as the Helsinki Metro, online video caricatures on popular social media like Snapchat, queer stand up comedy, pop-up cafes on the themes of separation, conflict, nutrition & queers, sleep. She is currently finishing her studies in Nutrition from University of Helsinki and researching sleep at the Helsinki Sleep Center. She is a board member of Pixelache and Curator of Performance LAB project at museum of impossible forms. She is curating the annual Pixelache festival in Helsinki with the theme breaking the fifth wall and community building. Vishnu has performed in the last two years in Berlin, Paris, Lille, Pori, Gothenburg, Stockholm, Oslo, Tallinn, Tbilisi and Helsinki. Frame Finland has now invited Vishnu Vardhani to participate in the International Pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2019.
Twerking and Naps are Vishnu’s tools of demonstration. Vishnu was born in Hyderabad, and now lives in Helsinki.
Sophie Dulau (FR) is a French architect and landscape architect, with focused research on the resilience of territories and on the processes of climate change adaptation projects. Sophie has been developing hybrid projects based on systemic approaches where people, landscape, architecture and climate are combined and interacting. She has worked for ten years in severals architecture studios in Paris and New York. Today, the co-founder of an NGO called Klima; an organisation aiming to create adaptive solutions for climate change and to explore the polysemy of new imaginaries, to rethink our relationship to land and our environment. Sophie is also teaching and working for the Landscape Architecture School in Versailles and the Architecture School of La Villette in Paris.
Sophie is interested in different forms of capturing and telling stories of the relationship between people and landscape, using a combination of soundscape, interviews, podcast and photos.
https://www.klima.ong/ and http://www.sophiedulau.fr/
Luis A. Campos (US) is Associate Professor of the History of Science at the University of New Mexico. Trained in both biology and in the history of science, Campos seeks to bring together archival discoveries with contemporary fieldwork at the intersection of biology and society. He has written widely on the history of genetics, synthetic biology, and astrobiology, and is the author of Radium and the Secret of Life (University of Chicago Press, 2015) and co-editor of Making Mutations: Objects, Practices, Contexts (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, 2010). Campos is an associate editor of the Journal of the History of Biology, and serves as Secretary of the History of Science Society. He is currently researching the intersecting histories of astrobiology and biological engineering, which both envision “life as it could be.” (In 2017, he held the Baruch S. Blumberg/NASA Chair of Astrobiology at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC, USA.) He teaches courses on the history of science, especially the history of biology, environmental history, queer history, and atomic history.
Anu Pasanen (FI) I’m a freelance writer and 1/5 part of EDIT, a collective that runs a website focused on contemporary art and criticism. I’m interested in exploring activism, grass root collectives and experimental work methods.
N. Adriana Knouf (US) (she/her/hers, sie/hir/hirs) is an Assistant Professor of Art + Design at Northeastern University. Adriana is an artist and media scholar researching noise, interferences, boundaries, and limits in media technologies and communication.
Adrainas recent book, How Noise Matters to Finance (University of Minnesota Press, 2016), traced how the concept of “noise” in the sonic and informatic domains of finance mutated throughout the late 20th century into the 21st. Her current research project, tentatively entitled The Xenology Notebooks, is a transmedia, transdisciplinary corpus expansively considering the “xeno”.
Her current artistic research explores queer and trans futurities on earth and in the cosmos. Projects include Enredos Sónicos/Sonic Plots, a collaborative sound project between the US and Cuba; they transmitted continuously / but our times rarely aligned / and their signals dissipated in the æther (2018-present), a 20 channel sound art installation with speakers made from handmade abaca paper and piezo electric elements, with sounds collected from satellite transmissions; and PIECES FOR PERFORMER (S) AND EXTRATERRESTRIAL ENTITIES (2017-present), event scores laser etched into handmade translucent abaca paper.
Adrien Rigobello (FR) is the founder of the NGO thr34d5, Academic Coordinator of the Advanced Master Design by Data in École des Ponts ParisTech, and Makerspace Manager in École des Ponts ParisTech.
thr34d5 is medialab focusing on social resilience. It aims at providing relevant and scalable commons in the search for the wispread of a Care relationship toward our communities and environments. By mobilizing the local and global scales an agent is subject to be involved in, the goal is to lead him to become a caring citizen, agents of sustainable change for his community.