Adam Zaretsky, Helen Chandler, Blu Zaretsky, Kira deCoudres, Hege Tapio and Marita Isobel Solberg
July 2-20, 2018
Popu popu collective brings together a Sámi performance artist, bioartists, media artists and a population geneticist to critically consider issues of Sami techno-identity in an age of widely available genetic ancestry testing. The Ars Bioartica Residency is the first physical meeting of our group, who have been exploring these ideas for over a decade. At the heart of the residency was a visit and performance at Riddu Riđđu festival, a Sami music and cultural festival held annually in Manndalen, Norway.
Initially our Popu Popu Population Power Studies Group meant to talk about population genetics, molecular archeology and personal genetic histories in a culturally interpretive way and in terms of protoEuropean or indigenous Arctic peoples. Many in our group are not indigenous and do not claim to speak for First Nations people. While we may support Sami integrity, we begin by humbly admitting that this was a journey of learning and educating ourselves as well as asking the questions and we dedicate our studies to wider debate. Questions about particular bioethnic identity are also questions about all people’s identities and how the commercialization of genetic origin stories has redefined global origin stories. Sometimes origin stories can be manufactured by technologies and, though unreliable, they are as charismatic and addictive as any other social media.A strange facet of research conducted during this residency included surveying the current market around genetic testing. Common marketing slogans carry individualist enticements like “Welcome to You”, or promise belonging through revealing previously unknown ancestry.
A profound conclusion arrived at while at the Riddu Riđđu festival was that Personal Genetic History was inconsequential to personal identity formation unless emphasized (or forced) by outside prodding forces.
While speaking with Torjer A. Olsen from UiT, Arctic University of Norway, he relayed a story in which three children from the same biological family each identified differently: Sami, Norwegian, and Kven. Puzzled, we asked further about these factors for self-identification and he revealed complicated nuances of Nordic origin stories. Because of the history of Sami oppression, many who identified as Sami adopted alternative Nordic ethnicities to escape violent persecution. The result of this cultural suppression is generations who are unaware (or perhaps only quietly suspect) that their family was once Sami, but now through iterations of practice identify otherwise.
We found this much more fascinating and complicated than anything that could be revealed through a genetic screening and understood why many within this community shrugged ambivalently at what could be “learned” through genetic testing—they are proud of their identity regardless of genetic percentage. 100% !
The DNA data sonification device (crafted by hacker kid extraordinaire, Blu Zaretsky) functioned by measuring conductivity of liquid and responding with an audible tone. Using this, we measured willing participant’s spit, tomatoes, pickled onions, and other wet things to create a scale of relative like-ness. When someone sonified spit, we were able to tell them how closely they were related to a tomato based on pitch. This made for much music, laughter, and conversation around bio measurement.
We took this device and our team to the Hello X radio podcast roundtable happening at the festival.
Watch a segment here.
Ancestry DNA Debate Remash Video: Critical considerations on issues of techno-identity in an age of genetic ancestry testing
DNA ID DECON - Problems in Techno-Ancestry in the 1000 Vaginas Project.
Marita Solberg Initial Sketch of 1000 Vagina’s Project and non-linear ‘networked’ HapMap with branch crossovers and dead ends everywhere.
Since the 1980s, the entirety of human mitochondrial diversity has been compared with the DNA from a single unnamed British individual known as the Cambridge Reference Sequence (CRS). In order to re-centre the world’s diversity we propose introducing the Reconstructed Sami Reference Sequence (RSRS), based on a single, unnamed Norwegian identifying as Sami. In future all the world’s genetic diversity can be compared to a Sami mtDNA sequence.
See: “A Reassessment of the Human Mitochondrial DNA Tree and Introduction of the Sami Reference Sequence” (Zaretsky et. al., 2018)
- Circumpolar Arctic Hip-Hop Collaboration, Riddu Riddu 2018 - Featuring Uyarakq (Kalaallit Nunaat), Ailu Valle (Sápmi), AMOK Mikkal Morottaja (Sápmi), Kimojax (Kalaallit Nunaat), Yarsem Galkin (Sápmi), AKU-MATU/Allison Akootchook Warden (Kaktovik) and Hyper-T (Nunavut).
Addendum from September 2021:
DNA ID DECON – Problems in Techno-Ancestry in the 1000 Vaginas Project, Ancestry DNA Debate Remash Video, Part of Popu Popu: Power to the Populations as part of:
Our Team
Helen Chandler
Kira deCoudres
Marita Isobel Solberg
Hege Tapio
Adam Zaretsky & Blu Zaretsky
Odd Solberg
Silje, Daniel and Nils
Trond Ansten
Erik Hokansen & Jill McDermid, Rosekill & Grace Exhibition Space
Evan T. Pritchard, Center for Algonquin Culture
Mike, Freya, Maren and Arno
Leena Valkeapää
The Bøckmans
Torjer A. Olsen, Centre for Sami Studies, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway
Riddu Riđđu Festivála Organising Committee
Riddu Riddu -- other people we talked to? Way to refer?
Christine and Valentine, Hello X
Erich Berger and Piritta Puhto, Finnish Bioart Society / Ars Bioarctica
Pirjo Hakala and Heidi Blom, Kilpisjärvi Biological Station, University of Helsinki
Marist College Media Studies
Nordic–Baltic Residency Programme, Helsinki International Artist Programme