Dream of the night to July 10th 7 hours of sleep, interrupted First dream: I was dreaming that I was witnessing the newest trend in psycho-treatments, being advertised in a theatre show, that means, as a real case being treated on stage. First the way to get accepted by this new therapist was performed. A call center worker, who could have been a radical christian preacher or a motivation trainer for managers, dominated the stage, answering authentic phone calls. The voices of both persons speaking at the telephone could be heard by the auditorium. A woman called in, starting with „Hello, I would ...“ She was interrupted immediately in a way of a heavy routine. „First of all you say your name, your age, your daily medication, then you give the number of your insurance, then the number of your credit card, and only our special therapy credit card counts here and the number of your passport plus the number of your permission to call, after your identity has been verified by us. If you are able to do so without any hesitation or error, the therapy will start immediately.“ Curtains being drawn, reopened and a middle aged woman was lying on a Freudian couch with the call center worker, still wearing his headpiece from the telephone job, in the Freudian position, behind the sofa, not to be seen by the client. This woman talked and talked in an unpleasant low and crackling voice as if revealing her secrets only to the ‚therapist’. They must consider the audience as completely nuts or what? Strangely enough I didn’t understand a word, though it was an amplified whispering, breathing and choking, sometimes coughing. Suddenly, to my big surprise she got up and I saw that her light summer dress, made of tissue with a design of big red flowers was open in the back, showing a naked body as if she was a patient in an operating theatre, that unfortunately got up before anesthesia drugs were properly effecting her nervous system. To my horror I now recognized her as a male person, the dress being blown by chance or by the theatrical wind-machines? My thought was immediately, oh that will have been the secret of this caricature of Freudian ‚therapy’: the clients are allowed to masturbate during the sessions. And after that they get some brain surgery. So psychoanalysis and aesthetic surgery are combined....Aha. But did this performance go wrong or was I meant to think exactly this? Second dream: I came home ... (rest forgotten, my father's ghost appearing again) Interpretation: The environment triggers my concentration on work to be done - in many respects.