posted by vincent on 30 March 2016

 Kilpisjärvi, 30th of March 2016 _Reading The materiality of duration ; Between ice time and water time by Natalie S. Loveless in Performance Research Vol.18 On ice (Dec. 2015) (excerpts) _ (…) as what feminist philosopher Donna Haraway might call a ‘modest witness’ in the performances pictured above, operates as an invitation into a differently oriented attentiveness that has implications for how we do our ecological thinking – whether those ecologies be planetary or domestic (Haraway 1997) _ (…) suggest the materiality of duration as a central agent in the micro- politics of ecological transformation. As Maria Puig de la Bellacasa reminds us in her ‘Matters of care in technoscience: Assembling neglected things’, not only does it take time to care, but time needs care (Puig de la Bellacasa 2011) _ (…) To return to Barad’s feminist new materialist imperative, to orient oneself in an ecological and anti- anthropocentric manner is not to de-specify the human, but, rather, to reposition the human. This reposi- tioning encourages us to inhabit different questions that produce different
 ethics – ones not organized around human survival but what Bastian, drawing on Donna Haraway, refers to as “multi-species” flourishing (Haraway 2007: 90) Click on the image to get the GIF animation