Intensive course ”Arctic journey in the cross-section of art and natural science” was arranged for the art pedagogy students of TaiK in cooperation with Bioart Society in the beginning of September in Kilpisjärvi.
The main targets of the workshop were 1) to find one’s own way into the arctic scenary by being in relation with the arctic nature and 2) to study or investigate the art & science orientation in bioart in oneself together in the learning group of students, experienced artists and pedagogies.
The main learning objectives were arctic nature, arctic biology, arctic life, bioartistic investigation processes including field and laboratory work, open discussion and reflective practices in individual working prosesses. The focus of bioartistic investigation was moving waters in the arctic nature beginning from a spring, then to lake and then along the river to the meeting point of the Polar Sea. The investigations were made outdoors during daytrips by hiking, by boat, cycling and by minibus and indoors in Kiekula recidence and in the buildings of Kilpisjärvi biological station.
With the art pedagogi students in this journey from biological station were Maria Tuomi, research assistant and Oula Kalttopää, laboratory master and teachers in collaboration: Leena Valkeapää (TaiK- University of Art and Design Helsinki), Anu Osva (Bioart Siciety) and Tuula Häyrynen (Bioart Society).
The students will present their bioartistic studies (6 study points), processes, works and results in “Havahdus”-seminar in Helsinki, October 3rd 2009 in the House of Sciences, arranged by Suomen Biologian seura Vanamo ry.
Art pedagogi students from TaiK: Tuija Lindfors, Minna Penttilä, Satu Tikka, Kristiina Ljokkoi, Olli Suorlahti and Tekla Pohjolainen.