Arctic Dream Diary cont......
New Interpretaion of the latest dream:
The 'drunkard' I was dreaming of has had an existence in an observation some days ago. I was witnessing during the journey to Kilpisjärvi a scene involving two police officers and a 'drunkard' on a public place in Helsinki near the Kiasma Museum. Many spectators were attracted to an almost naked, bearded, sunburnt old man whose trousers kept dropping. He was moaning and incapable of walking or standing. The police officers had difficulties in holding him upright, searching the pockets of his dropping trousers for weapons and transporting him into their police van. All this was going on awkwardly for quite a while with all bystanders curiously gazing at the exhibitionist and the rough gestures of the young officers while handling this probably drunk and homeless man who had exposed himself on the city's central square. Somehow I found the naked body beautiful and the moaning true. And: I was relieved not having to do the job of the police officers.
In my dream I refused the offer to end my own homelessness by moving into the flat of the drunkard, who had put up his refined suicidal bet. That means: I will continue - as a woman - to live in the streets independently at full 'artistic' risk, questioning about how to hide or exhibit 'female' vulnerability. I think I'am both: the shocked, crying police officer, 'split' between contradictory emotions, and I'm of course the beautiful and true, as well (physically) split artist who got himself probably killed by the mob as his ultimate, unbearable piece of art.
As well the subject of my PhD thesis has ben the "Visible Human Project" of the National Library of Medicine US. A convicted murderer was tranferred to an antomy project after execution, his body cut into cross sections, photographed, digitized, processed. His defense in court has been criticized, for instance his alcohol and drug problems not being taken in consideration. His confession (without lawyer) as well as the donation of his body to medicine immediately before execution were discussed from psychological points of view as aspects of a play that risked death penalty, then bodily desintegration and exhibition. Like a bet, but unknowing of the grotesque consequences and the 'dream' of medicine/mass media coming 'true' with this 'body'.
So, he resembles the grandiose drunkard of my dream.
Dream of the night to the 20th of July,
5 hours of sleep, continuous
I was dreaming wearing a parachute in unusual situations, especially in a cafe. The prachute was uncomfortable and heavy, the fixings 'cutting' my buttocks like too small trousers. I do not remember having releaved myself from this seemingly useless pack - letting the parachute fall down, instead of myself (from an airplane), though I was tempted. Would I have 'opened' instead of the prarchute then?
Interpetation: I had been working on the Film Kolybelnaja by Dziga Vertov, SU 1937, showing female parachutists...