The research project Turfiction (turf & fiction) approaches the Icelandic turf house as a super-organism and speculates on how its way-of-being, skills, and needs can help us rethink today’s architecture and knowledge of nurturing coexistence. It engages in multispecies politics and raises questions on the role of architecture in reconfiguring human and nonhuman "temporal belongings", cohabitation and care.
Website : turfiction.org
Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson (co-founder and co-director of Turfiction) is trained as an anthropologist and a professor at the University of Iceland. He has researched e.g. indigenous media, deep democracy, neoliberal cultural politics, heritage, and death.
Website : uni.hi.is/sbh
Tinna Grétarsdóttir (co-founder and co-director of Turfiction) is trained as an anthropologist and seeks new ways of combining social and natural sciences, art and architecture. She has researched art and neoliberal cultural politics, competing discourses of creativity, human and nonhuman ecologies and death. She has done fieldwork in Canada, Iceland, Greenland and Finland. She is a caregiver of four children, a cat, a horse, plants, grows red beets and has been a compulsive tree planter.