Trondheim Academy of Fine Art (KiT), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Susanne M. Winterling works across a range of media to explore the sentient economy, digital cultures and the social life of materials and structures of ecologies. Forms and materials narrate about species and the elements in today’s challenging geopolitical context. Winterling’s practice reflects upon political as well as aesthetic entanglements and power structures among human/ animal/ matter. She also remains focused on historical feminist practices and the commons and puts spotlight on different ways of knowledge through embodiment and cosmologies. She initiated the artistic research project Planetary sensing and the collective Blockadia *Tiefsee investigating biomass, colonial structures and soil politics.
Recent exhibitions and projects include In Desert Times, The Kalpana, Kunstverein Freiburg, The Shape of the Tortoise (w/ The Kalpana), project 88, Mumbai, Schwerkraft und Atem, Parrotta Contemporary Art, Cologne, Poetic Gardening, Burg Lede, Bonn, The Sea Around Us, The Model, Sligo, IE, We Are Ocean, ARTPORT_making waves, Futurium, Berlin.
Website : susannewinterling.com
Pandorasbox : pandorasbox.susannewinterling.com
Lighthouseshelteroffragility : shelterthelighthouse.tumblr.com