NOBA - Norwegian Bioart Arena is a project by Vitenparken Campus Ås and combines art, research-based knowledge, critical thinking and new technology with the aim of stimulating increased awareness of our living environment, biology, ecology and sustainability. Situated amid the research communities of campus Ås, we facilitate meetings, collaboration and cocreation between artists and researchers from the natural sciences and environmental humanities. In the course of spring 2021, the NOBA bio art laboratory will open to artists, the research community and the public.
To visit the website : noba.art
Image: Woodwork workshop led by Nora S. Vaage and Annike Flo.
Participators: Hanan Benammar (artist), Anne Cecilie Lie (artist) , Simon Daniel Tegnander (artist), Ursula Münster (Associate Professor and Director of the Oslo School of Environmental Humanities, UiO), Lars Sandved Dalen (Senior Advisor, NIBIO), Mari Mette Tollefsrud (Research Scientist, NIBIO), Anne Eskild Nilsen (Senior engineer, NIBIO).
Photo by Anwaar Saab