Re_examining Nature / Luonto uudelleen tarkastelussa
Since time immemorial we have observed and admired the fundamental order in nature while searching for inspirations, interpretations and solutions. Lately the terrestrial landscape as well as our communal mindscape is being reshaped by both intentional and unintentional developments. Within this transforming process, established and contemporary entities are merging to form previously unforeseen connections and potentials. These paradigm changes present new challenges for artists who question or comment on the permutations in their artwork. The SPLICE exhibition examines what was traditionally considered Nature and explores novel vocabularies and processes behind the shifts. The emphasis in SPLICE is on the emerging paradigms in our individual and collective contemporary attitude towards Nature. The exhibition presents a showcase of interdisciplinary works that investigate these contemporary perspectives with the aim to unfold a new understanding of "our environment" or "the new world around us". Throughout the exhibition, an integrated thematically linked program with a seminar and workshops will expand on the proposed motifs.
SPLICE – an international art exhibition curated by Nina Czegledy in collaboration with the Bioartsociety and produced in partnership with the Oulu Museum of Art.
Nina Czegledy, artist, curator, educator, works internationally on collaborative art& science& technology projects. The changing perception of the human body and its environment as well as paradigm shifts in the arts inform her projects.
The exhibition and the special events are supported by Finnish Cultural Foundation, University of Oulu (Genes and Society Argumenta Project), Arts Promotion Centre Finland and AV-arkki.