BioFacts consists of a series of artistic research work labs that are open for artists and practitioners from Finland and abroad. During 2020-2022, the programme introduces fundamental techniques of working with biological arts and serves as a vehicle to discuss art and science, materials, techniques, safety and policy, biopolitics, ethics as well as artistic examples through hands-on work.
During the project we will work with yeast, bacteria, algae, single cell organisms, plants and DNA, and introduce how to build DIY equipment. We will work on conceptional, artistic questions and discuss issues of working with living material in exhibitions, as well as curatorial strategies. The worklabs will take place in the SOLU Space of the Bioart Society in Helsinki.
Biotechnology and Life Sciences have become key-technologies of our time. An increasing number of artists are interested in how those technologies transform our everyday life. The programme provides artists with a possibility to familiarize themselves with the principles to be able to produce informed cultural responses, public awareness and discussion through artistic work.
BioFacts is supported by the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation.