80+1 Kilpisjärvi
on the roof of border customs at...
On the roof, manually filming the midnight sun stream from 10pm-01:30am at the mid/end of july when the sun starts getting lower again on the...
1 October 2009
MIDNIGHTsun streamed to Ars...
15.7.-21.7.2009 and afterwards the 'live' sunset will be on the facade on the following wednesdays and sundays: 29.7. / 2.8. / 5.8. / 9.8. ...
18 July 2009
Water Fleas in pond
Photos copyright: Tarja Trygg ...
16 July 2009
Day by day-program
THANK YOU for the participators and audience. We had a very nice and interesting conference and discussions! *****
Wednesday /...
11 July 2009
The 80+1 Kilpisjärvi-program presents v
ideo screening program
, which introduces
documentary and artistic approaches to the issues dealing with...
7 July 2009
midnight sun stream schedule
the stream is running at the moment 24h (if the sky is clear)
6 July 2009
Midnight sun / new location
After troubles with the midnight sun camera, we have decided to change the location of it. We found a perfect spot exactly where the finnish...
5 July 2009
text for press: in finnish and in...
The press information in english (and below in finnish / suomeksi alla): 80+1 Kilpisjärvi; The Finnish BioArt Society is a participant in 80+1 A...
2 July 2009
26 June 2009
visiting Leena & Oula
This afternoon we all were invited to visit Leena and Oula Valkeapää. Both of them are included in our 4-day program on the first day the 15th of...
21 June 2009
impression by Ada
landscape, water-fleas, fish...
19 June 2009
80+1 Kilpisjärvi team
The working team includes many persons in various tasks: Anu Osva - development & project team, art / science Laura Beloff - development &...
25 May 2009